Source code for helga.maya.rendering.createUpdateRenderElements.createUpdateLightRenderElements


Automatic setup of the following VRay Render Elements in Maya.
They are also the names of the channels in the multichannel exr.
You can call this function as often as you want. It will not duplicate 
existing elements, only add missing ones.
The light is split into light select elements and GI. To use these passes in
Nuke with the :mod:`helga.nuke.reconstruction.renderReconstruct` module you
need a diffuse pass from :mod:`helga.maya.rendering.createUpdateRenderElements.createFrameBufferContributions`.

The following elements are created:
	* Gi
	* Lighting
	* SelfIllum
	* Light Selects for each light where possible



	from helga.maya.rendering.createUpdateRenderElements import createUpdateLightRenderElements

	#Create instance
	createUpdateLightRenderElementsInstance = createUpdateLightRenderElements.CreateUpdateLightRenderElements()
	#Create/Update shadow passes


import pymel.core as pm
import maya.OpenMaya as openMaya

doReload = True

import vrayGlobals as vrayGlobals
if(doReload): reload(vrayGlobals)

#CreateUpdateLightRenderElements class

class CreateUpdateLightRenderElements():
[docs] #Constructor / Main Procedure def __init__(self): #Instance Vars #------------------------------------------------------------------ self.verbose = True #Top Level Methods #------------------------------------------------------------------ #createUpdateLightRenderElements def createUpdateLightRenderElements(self):
[docs] """ Function to create/update light render elements (see above for AOV types). """ #Check if Vray Loaded, else set Status and return if not(self.vrayLoaded()): openMaya.MGlobal.displayWarning('Vray for Maya Plugin not loaded') return None try: #GiRE attrName = 'vray_name_gi' attrValue = '{0}Gi'.format(vrayGlobals.PREFIX) if not(self.REWithAttrAndValueExists(attrName, attrValue)): self.createGiRE() #lightingRE attrName = 'vray_name_lighting' attrValue = '{0}Lighting'.format(vrayGlobals.PREFIX) if not(self.REWithAttrAndValueExists(attrName, attrValue)): self.createLightingRE() #selfIllumRE attrName = 'vray_name_selfIllum' attrValue = '{0}SelfIllum'.format(vrayGlobals.PREFIX) if not(self.REWithAttrAndValueExists(attrName, attrValue)): self.createSelfIllumRE() #createUpdateLSREs self.createUpdateLSREs() #msg openMaya.MGlobal.displayInfo('Light Passes created succesfully') except: #msg openMaya.MGlobal.displayWarning('Error creating light passes') #Methods #------------------------------------------------------------------ #createGiRE def createGiRE(self):
[docs] #create gi RE giRE = self.createRenderElement('giChannel') pm.rename(giRE, '{0}Gi'.format(vrayGlobals.PREFIX)) #SetAttrs on giRE pm.setAttr(giRE.vray_name_gi, '{0}Gi'.format(vrayGlobals.PREFIX)) #verbose if(self.verbose): print('Gi RE created') #createLightingRE def createLightingRE(self):
[docs] #create lightingRE lightingRE = self.createRenderElement('lightingChannel') pm.rename(lightingRE, '{0}Lighting'.format(vrayGlobals.PREFIX)) #SetAttrs on lightingRE pm.setAttr(lightingRE.vray_name_lighting, '{0}Lighting'.format(vrayGlobals.PREFIX)) #verbose if(self.verbose): print('Lighting RE created') #createSelfIllumRE def createSelfIllumRE(self):
[docs] #create selfIllumRE selfIllumRE = self.createRenderElement('selfIllumChannel') pm.rename(selfIllumRE, '{0}SelfIllum'.format(vrayGlobals.PREFIX)) #SetAttrs on selfIllumRE pm.setAttr(selfIllumRE.vray_name_selfIllum, '{0}SelfIllum'.format(vrayGlobals.PREFIX)) #verbose if(self.verbose): print('SelfIllum RE created') #createUpdateLSREs def createUpdateLSREs(self):
[docs] #delete all existing LS RElements whose name begins with 'rbLs' self.deleteAllLsRElementSets() if(self.verbose): print('Scene LightSelect RE Sets deleted') #get list of all lights in the scene lightsList = self.getAllSceneLights() if(self.verbose): print('Scene Lights List aquired') #create a Light Select RE for each light self.createLSREForEachLight(lightsList) if(self.verbose): print('Successfully created Light Select RE for each light') #deleteAllLsRElements def deleteAllLsRElementSets(self):
[docs] #Get all LS RE from Scene lsReSetsList = self.getRenderElementSetsByPrefix('{0}Ls'.format(vrayGlobals.PREFIX)) #Delete all LS REs if(lsReSetsList): pm.delete(lsReSetsList) #getAllSceneLights def getAllSceneLights(self):
[docs] #clear selection = True) #get standard maya lightslist mayaLightsList = = True, type = 'light') #get VRay Sphere Lights List vraySphereLightsList = = True, type = 'VRayLightSphereShape') #get VRay Dome Lights List vrayDomeLightsList = = True, type = 'VRayLightDomeShape') #get VRay Rect Lights List vrayRectLightsList = = True, type = 'VRayLightRectShape') #get VRay IES Lights List vrayIESLightsList = = True, type = 'VRayLightIESShape') #get VRay sun light List vraySunLightsList = = True, type = 'VRaySunShape') #return combined Lists return mayaLightsList + vraySphereLightsList + vrayDomeLightsList + vrayRectLightsList + vrayIESLightsList + vraySunLightsList #createLSREForEachLight def createLSREForEachLight(self, lightsList):
[docs] #create lsRESet for each light in lightList and set + connect it for lightShape in lightsList: #get Light Transform lightTrans = lightShape.getParent() #Create lsRESet lsRESet = self.createRenderElement('LightSelectElement') #rename lsRESet pm.rename(lsRESet, '{0}Ls'.format(vrayGlobals.PREFIX) #setChannelName pm.setAttr(lsRESet.vray_name_lightselect, '{0}Ls'.format(vrayGlobals.PREFIX) #set light type to diffuse pm.setAttr(lsRESet.vray_type_lightselect, 2) #connect light with lsRESet pm.connectAttr(lightTrans.instObjGroups[0], lsRESet.dagSetMembers[0], f = True) #Shared Methods #------------------------------------------------------------------ #REWithAttrAndValueExists def REWithAttrAndValueExists(self, attrName, attrValue):
[docs] #List all nodes of Type VRayRenderElement REList = = True, typ = 'VRayRenderElement') #if list < 1 return False (no RE in scene, ready to create) if not(REList): return False #if list larger check if REName in list of RElements for RE in REList: #check if RE has attr of attrName and if return True try: if(pm.getAttr( +'.' +attrName) == attrValue): return True except: pass #Else False (ready to create) return False #getRenderElementsByPrefix def getRenderElementSetsByPrefix(self, prefix):
[docs] #clear selection = True) #get list of all REs renderElementSetsList = = True, typ = 'VRayRenderElementSet') #if renderElementList < 1 return renderElementList if not(renderElementSetsList): return renderElementSetsList #iterate through renderElementList and append to lsList when name beginning matches prefix lsReSetsList = [] prefixLength = len(prefix) for RESet in renderElementSetsList: if([0:prefixLength] == prefix): lsReSetsList.append(RESet) return lsReSetsList #createRenderElement def createRenderElement(self, renderElementName):
[docs] #clear Selection = True) #build MEL Cmd createRElementMELCmd = 'vrayAddRenderElement ' +renderElementName +';' #Execute pm.mel.eval(createRElementMELCmd) #return created RenderElementNode renderElement = = True, fl = True)[0] = True) return renderElement #vrayLoaded def vrayLoaded(self):
[docs] #Get list of all loaded plugIns plugInList = pm.pluginInfo( query=True, listPlugins=True ) #Return true if loaded else setStatus and return false if('vrayformaya' in plugInList): return True return False