Source code for helga.maya.rendering.createUpdateRenderElements.createShadowPass


Automatic setup of the following VRay Render Elements in Maya.
They are also the names of the channels in the multichannel exr.
You can call this function as often as you want. It will not duplicate 
existing elements, only add missing ones.

The following elements are created:
	* RawShadow
	* Shadow



	from helga.maya.rendering.createUpdateRenderElements import createShadowPass

	#Create instance
	createShadowPassInstance = createShadowPass.CreateShadowPass()
	#Create/Update shadow passes


import pymel.core as pm
import maya.OpenMaya as openMaya

doReload = True

import vrayGlobals as vrayGlobals
if(doReload): reload(vrayGlobals)

#CreateShadowPass class

class CreateShadowPass():
[docs] #Constructor / Main Procedure def __init__(self): #Instance Vars #------------------------------------------------------------------ self.verbose = True #Top Level Methods #------------------------------------------------------------------ #createShadowPass def createShadowPass(self):
[docs] """ Function to create/update shadow passes (see above for AOV types). """ #Check if Vray Loaded, else set Status and return if not(self.vrayLoaded()): openMaya.MGlobal.displayWarning('Vray for Maya Plugin not loaded') return None try: #rawShadowRE attrName = 'vray_name_rawshadow' attrValue = '{0}RawShadow'.format(vrayGlobals.PREFIX) if not(self.REWithAttrAndValueExists(attrName, attrValue)): self.createRawShadowRE() #shadowRE attrName = 'vray_name_shadow' attrValue = '{0}Shadow'.format(vrayGlobals.PREFIX) if not(self.REWithAttrAndValueExists(attrName, attrValue)): self.createShadowRE() #msg openMaya.MGlobal.displayInfo('Shadow Passes created succesfully') except: #msg openMaya.MGlobal.displayWarning('Error creating shadow passes') #Methods #------------------------------------------------------------------ #createRawShadowRE def createRawShadowRE(self):
[docs] #create raw shadow RE rawShadowRE = self.createRenderElement('rawShadowChannel') pm.rename(rawShadowRE, '{0}RawShadow'.format(vrayGlobals.PREFIX)) #SetAttrs on rawShadowRE pm.setAttr(rawShadowRE.vray_name_rawshadow, '{0}RawShadow'.format(vrayGlobals.PREFIX)) #verbose if(self.verbose): print('Raw Shadow RE created') #createShadowRE def createShadowRE(self):
[docs] #create shadow RE shadowRE = self.createRenderElement('shadowChannel') pm.rename(shadowRE, '{0}Shadow'.format(vrayGlobals.PREFIX)) #SetAttrs on shadowRE pm.setAttr(shadowRE.vray_name_shadow, '{0}Shadow'.format(vrayGlobals.PREFIX)) #verbose if(self.verbose): print('Shadow RE created') #Shared Methods #------------------------------------------------------------------ #REWithAttrAndValueExists def REWithAttrAndValueExists(self, attrName, attrValue):
[docs] #List all nodes of Type VRayRenderElement REList = = True, typ = 'VRayRenderElement') #if list < 1 return False (no RE in scene, ready to create) if not(REList): return False #if list larger check if REName in list of RElements for RE in REList: #check if RE has attr of attrName and if return True try: if(pm.getAttr( +'.' +attrName) == attrValue): return True except: pass #Else False (ready to create) return False #createRenderElement def createRenderElement(self, renderElementName):
[docs] #clear Selection = True) #build MEL Cmd createRElementMELCmd = 'vrayAddRenderElement ' +renderElementName +';' #Execute pm.mel.eval(createRElementMELCmd) #return created RenderElementNode renderElement = = True, fl = True)[0] = True) return renderElement #vrayLoaded def vrayLoaded(self):
[docs] #Get list of all loaded plugIns plugInList = pm.pluginInfo( query=True, listPlugins=True ) #Return true if loaded else setStatus and return false if('vrayformaya' in plugInList): return True return False